Monday, October 02, 2006

TrafficSwarm Best Practices for Pay-It-Forward 4 Profits

Copyright © Gregory D. Collins

Here is what I have learned so far about how to optimize the benefits of TraficSwarm. This are my personal rules. Your mileage may vary.
  1. Only advertise Pay-It-Forward 4 Profits. Everyone in TraficSwarm already has a business that they are promoting. They all need a constant source of leads to promote that business. Pay-It-Forward 4 Profits provides that.
  2. Upgrade your ResponseMagic account. This gives you a new website URL that will track your traffic- Your original URL of will still work but will NOT track your traffic.
  3. Use the URL in all your ads. As described above, this is the URL that will track where the traffic to your website is coming from. This is important information that will help you decide where to focus your future advertising efforts.
  4. Select all categories for your ad. Remember, everyone in TraficSwarm already has a business they are promoting and every business needs a constant supply of leads .
  5. Keep your credit balance as high as possible. The number of times your ad will be seen is determined by your credit balance. The higher your balance, the more times your ads will be shown. One rule I've heard is to keep your credit balance over 3,000.
  6. You can boost your credit balance by surfing or by purchasing them. The advantage of surfing is that it is free and that most everyone can do it. The advantage to purchasing credits is that it is quick and can help build momentum for your business.
  7. Use the Credit Cap feature if you get more hits per day than you are earning per day. I am not currently using the Credit Cap feature because I want as many hits per day as is possible.
I invite your feedback and suggestions.

About the Author:
Gregory Collins is dedicated to helping you achieve your
financial dreams with step-by-step coaching to educate,
help and support you all the way.

He can be reached at

1 comment:

Bhanu Prasad said...
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