Sunday, October 22, 2006

Joe Vitale's The Attractor Factor - Change Your Attitude and It Will Change Your Life

Copyright 2006, Gregory D. Collins

In his book, The Attractor Factor, Joe Vitale shows you how to use your thoughts to change your attitude and create the life you want and deserve to have.

This book lays out in simple, easy-to-understand language how to be positive and loving and attract abundance and health. He describes five basic steps written in language that anyone can follow. I am grateful to Joe for this valuable information and the simple direct way in which he presents it.

Once you've read any of Joe Vitale's marketing books, you are hooked - AND - they are all worth it. Joe "Mr. Fire" Vitale is helping me to think like a marketer. His proactive style really mixes well with mine; I think he has a knack for writing to each person as if you happen to be the one he intended the book for. Joe has written the perfect book for those of us who want our major purpose in life to be in harmony with the way things really work--from the inside out!

The Attractor Factor is already playing a huge role in helping me to be happier, more focused on what really matters, and more successful in every area of my life--including business.

In this books, Joe covers all of the proactive bases: smart thinking, system thinking, futuristic thinking, and positive thinking. If you are truly seeking the kind of success and abundance that makes your life 100% livable - you must read this book.

I recommend that you consider taking a few minutes each day to reflect on the wisdom and truths of this book and how to apply the principals to your current situation. Then, move out confidently towards fulfilling your dreams and goals.

I invite your feedback and suggestions.

About the Author:
Gregory Collins is dedicated to helping serious people achieve
their financial dreams with step-by-step coaching to educate,
help and support you all the way.

He can be reached at

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